<% Function ParseBody(strText) strText = Replace(strText, Chr(13), "
") ParseBody = strText End Function Dim myConnString Dim myConnection Dim mySQL Dim objRS Dim strBody Dim strBody1 Dim strBody2 Dim strBody3 Dim strBody4 Dim strBody5 Dim strBody6 Dim strBody7 Dim strBody8 Dim strBody9 Dim strBody10 Dim strBody11 Dim strBody12 Dim strBody13 Dim strBody14 Dim strBody15 Dim strBody16 Dim strBody17 Dim strBody18 Dim total dim xurl dim compt dim deb dim fin dim objConn dim TAB1 dim TAB2 dim TAB3 dim TAB31 dim TAB4 dim TAB5 dim TAB50 dim TAB51 dim TAB525 dim TAB515 dim TAB516 dim TAB6 dim TAB7 dim TAB8 dim TABLIEN dim V_AN dim V_MOIS V_AN="2005" V_MOIS=8 TAB1="" TAB2="" TAB3="" TAB4= "" TAB5="" TAB6= "" TAB7="
" TAB31="" TAB525="" TAB515="" TAB516="" TAB50="" TAB51="
" Const adOpenStatic = 3 Const adLockReadOnly = 1 Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strDSN = "DSN=equipyr" objConn.Open strDSN strSQL = "SELECT * FROM BDBGET01 ORDER BY JDEP ASC" objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, adOpenStatic,adLockReadOnly dim saut2 saut2="
" theDate=Now dim M_TODAY M_TODAY = month(theDate) Do Until objRS.EOF = True if objRS("annee").Value=V_AN and objRS("MDEP").Value=V_MOIS and objRS("PAYS").Value<>"Autre" then total=total+1 objRS.Movenext loop objRS.close dim E_MOIS E_MOIS="Août" response.write " Les randonnées en " & E_MOIS & " " & V_AN & " :" response.write saut2 dim J1 dim J2 dim M1 dim M2 objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, adOpenStatic,adLockReadOnly vide= " " vide4= " -> " vide5= "       " vide6="" vide2= "/" Do Until objRS.EOF = True if objRS("annee").Value=V_AN and objRS("MDEP").Value=V_MOIS and objRS("PAYS").Value<>"Autre" then compt=compt+1 J1=objRS("JDEP").Value J2=len(J1) if J2<2 then J1="0" & J1 M1=objRS("MDEP").Value M2=len(M1) if M2<2 then M1="0" & M1 strBody1= TAB1 & TAB2 & TAB3 & J1 & "/" & M1 & TAB31 J1=objRS("JARIV").Value J2=len(J1) if J2<2 then J1="0" & J1 M1=objRS("MARIV").Value M2=len(M1) if M2<2 then M1="0" & M1 strBody2= TAB4 & TAB5 & J1 & "/" & M1 & TAB51 strBody3= TAB50 & "... " & objRS("CALCULS").Value & " jours" & TAB51 strBody4= TAB525 & objRS("Nom").Value & TAB51 strBody5= TAB525 & objRS("DESTINATIO").Value & TAB51 TABLIEN = "" & "En savoir plus" & "" strBody6= TAB516 & TABLIEN & TAB51 strBody7= TAB515 & objRS("etranger").Value & TAB51 strBody17= TAB6 & TAB7 strBody18=strBody1 & strBody2 & strBody3 & strBody4 & strBody5 & strBody6 & strBody7 & strBody17 response.write strBody18 end if objRS.Movenext Loop if total>0 then response.write total & " randonnées" if total=0 then response.write "Pas de randonnées aux dates demandées" objRS.close %>